
Opinion polling for the 1982 Spanish general election

Opinion polling for the 1982 Spanish general election

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In the run up to the 1982 Spanish general election, various organisations carried out opinion polling to gauge voting intention in Spain during the term of the 1st Cortes Generales. Results of such polls are displayed in this article. The date range for these opinion polls is from the previous general election, held on 1 March 1979, to the day the next election was held, on 28 October 1982.

Voting intention estimates refer mainly to a hypothetical Congress of Deputies election. Polls are listed in reverse chronological order, showing the most recent first and using the dates when the survey fieldwork was done, as opposed to the date of publication. Where the fieldwork dates are unknown, the date of publication is given instead. The highest percentage figure in each polling survey is displayed with its background shaded in the leading party's colour. If a tie ensues, this is applied to the figures with the highest percentages. The "Lead" columns on the right shows the percentage-point difference between the parties with the highest percentages in a poll.

Electoral polling

Nationwide polling

Voting intention estimates

The table below lists nationwide voting intention estimates. Refusals are generally excluded from the party vote percentages, while question wording and the treatment of "don't know" responses and those not intending to vote may vary between polling organisations. When available, seat projections determined by the polling organisations are displayed below (or in place of) the percentages in a smaller font; 176 seats were required for an absolute majority in the Congress of Deputies.

Color key:

  Exit poll

More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...

Voting preferences

The table below lists raw, unweighted voting preferences.

More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...

Victory preference

The table below lists opinion polling on the victory preferences for each party in the event of a general election taking place.

More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...

Victory likelihood

The table below lists opinion polling on the perceived likelihood of victory for each party in the event of a general election taking place.

More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...

Hypothetical scenarios

UCD–AP alliance
More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...

Leadership polling

Preferred Prime Minister

The table below lists opinion polling on leader preferences to become Prime Minister.

More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...

Approval ratings

Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo

More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...

Adolfo Suárez

More information Polling firm/Commissioner, Fieldwork date ...


  1. Within PSOE.
  2. Undecided and/or abstentionists excluded.
  3. Within HB.


  1. "El PSOE se atribuye 202 diputados" (PDF). Deia (in Spanish). 29 October 1982.
  2. "Los socialistas ganaron las elecciones". Ideal (in Spanish). 29 October 1982.
  3. "El PSOE va a gobernar con mayoría absoluta" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 22 October 1982.
  4. "El PSOE va a gobernar con mayoría absoluta" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 22 October 1982.
  5. ""CDS es una oferta de reforma progresista"". La Vanguardia (in Spanish). 4 October 1982.
  6. "Baja el PSOE, suben AP y el centro de Suárez" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 8 October 1982.
  7. "Verstrynge: UCD y PSOE llegarán a colaborar". La Vanguardia (in Spanish). 27 September 1982.
  8. "Temor del centro-derecha a los 200 escaños del PSOE". Diario de Navarra (in Spanish). 22 September 1982.
  9. "Temor del centro-derecha a los 200 escaños del PSOE". Diario de Navarra (in Spanish). 22 September 1982.
  10. "Más encuestas con repartos de escaños que se contradicen". Diario de Navarra (in Spanish). 7 September 1982.
  11. "El PSOE obtendrá mayoría absoluta si UCD no hace coalición con AP". Diario de Navarra (in Spanish). 4 September 1982.
  12. "El PSOE obtendrá mayoría absoluta si UCD no hace coalición con AP". Diario de Navarra (in Spanish). 4 September 1982.
  13. "UCD necesita ir con AP". La Vanguardia (in Spanish). 4 September 1982.
  14. "Alianza Popular, volcada en Galicia, según Verstrynge". El País (in Spanish). 6 October 1981.
  15. "El PSOE vencería y hundiría a UCD en elecciones anticipadas". Diario de Navarra (in Spanish). 29 May 1981.
  16. "El PSOE "barrería" en unas elecciones generales". El Periódico de Catalunya (in Spanish). 28 May 1981.
  17. "El PSOE hubiera "destrozado" a UCD" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 7 April 1981.
  18. "El último sondeo de Gallup da al PSOE una ventaja de 10 puntos". El Periódico de Catalunya (in Spanish). 7 April 1981.
  19. "Los socialistas quedarían muy por delante de UCD si hubiera ahora elecciones". El Periódico de Catalunya (in Spanish). 23 December 1980.
  20. "Los socialistas quedarían muy por delante de UCD si hubiera ahora elecciones". El Periódico de Catalunya (in Spanish). 3 August 1980.
  21. "Felipe vencería a Suárez en unas elecciones presidenciales". El Periódico de Catalunya (in Spanish). 13 July 1980.
  22. "Desciende la popularidad de Adolfo Suárez". El País (in Spanish). 27 April 1980.
  23. "El presidente atraviesa su peor crisis de imagen" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 28 April 1980.
  24. "El golpismo no influirá en los resultados". La Vanguardia (in Spanish). 19 October 1982.
  25. ""UCD agoniza y el PCE es un cadáver"" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 19 October 1982.
  26. "Más de mil millones en propaganda socialista". La Vanguardia (in Spanish). 6 October 1982.
  27. "Barómetro octubre, 1982 (Estudio nº 1.325)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 October 1982.
  28. "Barómetro septiembre 1982 (Estudio 1323)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 September 1982.
  29. "El socialismo triunfa en los sondeos". El Periódico de Catalunya (in Spanish). 7 August 1982.
  30. "Estudio nº 1.319 (Junio 1982)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 June 1982.
  31. "Según una encuesta, el PSOE barrerá en las próximas elecciones". Diario de Navarra (in Spanish). 24 April 1982.
  32. "Barómetro Marzo 1982 (Estudio nº 1.303)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 27 March 1982.
  33. "Barómetro nº 27 (Estudio 1300. Febrero 1982)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 27 February 1982.
  34. "Barómetro enero 1982 (Estudio nº 1.299. Enero 1982)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 January 1982.
  35. "Barómetro noviembre 1981 (Estudio nº 1.296)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 December 1981.
  36. "Barómetro de julio (Estudio nº 1.283. Julio 1981)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 July 1981.
  37. "Las clases medias (Estudio nº 1.281. Junio 1981)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 June 1981.
  38. "Barómetro nº 21 (Mayo 1981)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 10 May 1981.
  39. "Barómetro abril (Estudio nº 1.279. Abril 1981)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 2 May 1981.
  40. "Barómetro 1. Enero 1981 (Estudio 1264)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 January 1981.
  41. "El PSOE ganaría ahora las elecciones generales" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 13 November 1980.
  42. "Barómetro noviembre, 1980 (Estudio nº 1.256)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 November 1980.
  43. "Estudio CIS 1.250. (Octubre, 1980)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 October 1980.
  44. "Barómetro junio, 1980 (Estudio nº 1.236)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 June 1980.
  45. "Barómetro abril, 1980 (Estudio nº 1.229)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 April 1980.
  46. "Barómetro de marzo (Estudio nº 1.224. Marzo 1980)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 March 1980.
  47. "Barómetro diciembre 1979 (Estudio 1205)" (PDF). CIS (in Spanish). 1 December 1979.
  48. "Sólo uno de cada cuatro españoles confiaba en Suárez" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 31 January 1981.
  49. "La popularidad del Presidente, en alza" (PDF). Diario 16 (in Spanish). 16 May 1981.
  50. "Aumenta la popularidad de Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo". El País (in Spanish). 17 May 1981.

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