<i>ADPF 54</i>


Landmark abortion case of the Supreme Court of Brazil

ADPF 54 is a landmark case of the Supreme Court of Brazil. The rapporteur, minister Marco Aurélio Mello, voted in favor of decriminalization of abortions involving anencephalic fetuses.[1] The minister considered it unconstitutional the interpretation that interrupting a pregnancy of anencephalic fetus is a crime according to the Penal Code of Brazil:[1]

Aborto é crime contra a vida. Tutela-se a vida em potencial. No caso do anencéfalo, não existe vida possível. O feto anencéfalo é biologicamente vivo, por ser formado por células vivas, e juridicamente morto, não gozando de proteção estatal. [...] O anencéfalo jamais se tornará uma pessoa. Em síntese, não se cuida de vida em potencial, mas de morte segura. Anencefalia é incompatível com a vida.

Abortion is a crime against life. The potential life is protected. In the case of the anencephalic, there is no possible life. The anencephalic fetus is biologically alive, being composed of living cells, and juridically dead, not warranting state protection. [...] The anencephalic will never become a person. In short, it is not about caring for a potential life, but an assured death. Anencephaly is incompatible with life.

Excerpt of Minister Marco Aurélio's vote
Quick Facts ADPF 54, Court ...

Minister Dias Toffoli voluntarily abstained from voting due to a self-declared conflict of interest, as he previously presented a favorable opinion towards interrupting the pregnancy in such cases, during his term as Attorney General of Brazil.[1]

High Court decision

Legal on request:
 No gestational limit
 Gestational limit after the first 17 weeks
 Gestational limit in the first 17 weeks
 Unclear gestational limit
Legally restricted to cases of:
 Risk to woman's life, to her health*, rape*, fetal impairment*, or socioeconomic factors
 Risk to woman's life, to her health*, rape, or fetal impairment
 Risk to woman's life, to her health*, or fetal impairment
 Risk to woman's life*, to her health*, or rape
 Risk to woman's life or to her health
 Risk to woman's life
 Illegal with no exceptions
 No information
* Does not apply to some countries or territories in that category
Note: In some countries or territories, abortion laws are modified by other laws, regulations, legal principles or judicial decisions. This map shows their combined effect as implemented by the authorities.

Judiciary representation

More information Supreme Court members, Ministers ...

Legislative representation

More information Prosecutor General, Prosecutor ...

Executive representation

More information Attorney General, Attorney ...

Amici curiae

Page in the Supreme Federal Court's ruling listing the amici curiae involved in the decision
More information Amici curiae (Support for ADPF 54) (10), Entity ...
More information Amici curiae (Against ADPF 54) (3), Entity ...

See also


  1. "Veja como votaram os ministros do STF sobre aborto de feto sem cérebro" [See how Supreme Court ministers voted on abortion of fetus without a brain]. G1 (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2012-04-11. Retrieved 2023-11-13.

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