


Letter of the extended Arabic alphabet

Ṛe, also Aṛ, is a letter of the extended Arabic alphabet, based on rāʾ (ر) with the addition of a diacritical ṭāʾ (ط; historically four dots in a square pattern, e.g. ڙ)[1] on top. It is not used in the Arabic alphabet itself, but is used to represent the word-medial and word-final retroflex flap [ɽ] in Urdu, Punjabi written in the Shahmukhi script, and Kashmiri. The small t̤oʾe diacritic is used to indicate a retroflex consonant in Urdu. Its Abjad value is considered to be 200. In Urdu, this letter may also be called rā-ye-musaqqalā ("heavy re")[1] or rā-ye-hindiyā ("Indian re"). In Devanagari, this consonant is rendered using ‘ड़’ (‘’ with nuqta below).

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  1. Shakespear, John (1818). A Grammar of the Hindustani Language. author. Retrieved 25 February 2020. A Grammar of the Hindustani Language 1818.

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