


Topics referred to by the same term

Noviomagus is the name of a number of settlements found across the Western Roman Empire. The name is believed to be a Latinization of a Brittonic placename, Novio meaning "New" and -magos, meaning "Field" or "Market" (cf. Welsh maes 'field', Old Irish mag 'plain'), in other words a clearing in woodland.[1]

Noviomagus may refer to:



  • Noviomagus Lexoviorum ("Noviomagus of the Lexovii"), the Gallo-Roman settlement at Lisieux, France
  • Noviomagus Veromanduorum ("Noviomagus of the Veromandui"), the Gallo-Roman settlement at Noyon, France
  • Noviomagus Tricastinorum ("Noviomagus of the Tricastini"), later known as "Augusta" and "Colonia Flavia Tricastinorum", the Gallo-Roman settlement at Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France


  • Noviomagus Nemetum ("Noviomagus of the Nemetes"), the Germano-Roman settlement at Speyer, Germany
  • Noviomagus Trevirorum ("Noviomagus of the Trevii"), the Germano-Roman settlement at Neumagen-Dhron near Trier, Germany

Great Britain

  • Noviomagus Reginorum ("Noviomagus of the Regnenses"), the Romano-British settlement at Chichester, West Sussex, in England
  • Noviomagus Cantiacorum ("Noviomagus of the Kentish"), the Romano-British settlement probably located at West Wickham, London (though Crayford has also been suggested)
  • Noviomagus, the previous site mistakenly placed by John Dunkin near Dartford, England, usually quoted as Crayford

The Netherlands


  • Daniel Santbech Noviomagus, Dutch mathematician and astronomer (died circa 1561) has given his name to the Santbech crater on the Moon

See also


  1. Cunliffe, Barry, 1973, The Regni, Duckworth (Peoples of Roman Britain series), p. 49

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