
Islamic rituals

Islamic rituals

Topics referred to by the same term

Islamic rituals may refer to:

Common rituals

  • Aqiqah, the Islamic tradition of the sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of a child's birth
  • Hajj, an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims
  • Janazah, Islamic funeral
  • Khitan, the Islamic term for the practice of religious male circumcision in Islamic culture
  • Nikah, an Islamic marriage contract between two people
  • Salah, prayers performed by Muslims
  • Sawm, the practice of abstaining, usually from food, drink, smoking, and sexual activity
  • Shahada, an Islamic oath and creed, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and part of the Islamic call to prayer
  • Taharah, the state of being ritually pure
  • Zakat, a form of almsgiving, often collected by the Muslim community

Other rituals

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