
Francesco Vellani

Francesco Vellani

Italian painter (1688–1768)

Francesco Vellani (16881768) was an Italian painter, active in Modena in a late Baroque style. He mainly painted sacred subjects.

Miracle by St Gregory the Great (painted 1747)

He painted an altarpiece depicting the Assumption of the Virgin for the Cathedral of Modena; an Immaculate Conception for the main altar of the Chiesa Nuova; for the church of the Monache della Visitazione; a St Pius V and St Thomas Acquinas for the church of San Domenico; an altarpiece depicting St John of the Cross for the Church of the Monache Scalze in Modena.[1]

Vellani also completed a number of fresco projects in Reggio Emilia including in The palaces Masdoni and Tirelli, as well as for the Oratory of San Spiridione.


  1. Tiraboschi, Girolamo (1786). Notizie de' pittori, scultori, incisori, e architetti natii degli stati del Serenissimo Signor Duca di Modena. Modena: Presso la Societa' Tipografica. pp. 349.

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