
FAD-dependent urate hydroxylase

FAD-dependent urate hydroxylase

Class of enzymes

FAD-dependent urate hydroxylase (EC, HpxO enzyme, FAD-dependent urate oxidase, urate hydroxylase) is an enzyme with systematic name urate,NADH:oxygen oxidoreductase (5-hydroxyisourate forming).[1] [2] A non-homologous isofunctional enzyme (NISE) to HpxO was found, and named HpyO.[3] HpyO was determined to be a typical Michaelian enzyme. These FAD-dependent urate hydroxylases are flavoproteins.

This enzyme catalyses the following chemical reaction

urate + FADH + H+ + O2 5-hydroxyisourate + FAD+ + H2O


  1. O'Leary, S.E.; Hicks, K.A.; Ealick, S.E.; Begley, T.P. (2009). "Biochemical characterization of the HpxO enzyme from Klebsiella pneumoniae, a novel FAD-dependent urate oxidase". Biochemistry. 48 (14): 3033–3035. doi:10.1021/bi900160b. PMC 2842088. PMID 19260710.
  2. Michiel M, Perchat N, Perret A, Tricot S, Papeil A, Besnard M, de Berardinis V, Salanoubat M, Fischer C (2012). "Microbial urate catabolism: characterization of HpyO, a non-homologous isofunctional isoform of the flavoprotein urate hydroxylase HpxO". Environmental Microbiology Reports. 4 (6): 642–647. doi:10.1111/j.1758-2229.2012.00390.x. PMID 23760935.

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