
Catalan Braille

Catalan Braille

Braille alphabet of the Catalan language

Catalan Braille is the braille alphabet of the Catalan language. It is very close to French Braille: it uses the 26 letters of the basic braille alphabet, plus several additional letters for ç and what are, in print, vowel letters with diacritics; these differ from their French values only in the need to accommodate the Catalan acute accent: ú, ó, í for what are in French Braille ù, œ, ì :

⠯ (braille pattern dots-12346)
⠷ (braille pattern dots-12356)
⠿ (braille pattern dots-123456)
⠮ (braille pattern dots-2346)
⠌ (braille pattern dots-34)
⠻ (braille pattern dots-12456)
⠪ (braille pattern dots-246)
⠬ (braille pattern dots-346)
⠾ (braille pattern dots-23456)
⠳ (braille pattern dots-1256)
Quick Facts Catalan Braille, Script type ...

Print digraphs are written as digraphs in braille as well.


⠐ (braille pattern dots-5) ⠂ (braille pattern dots-2) ⠲ (braille pattern dots-256) ⠢ (braille pattern dots-26) ⠖ (braille pattern dots-235) ⠄ (braille pattern dots-3) ⠆ (braille pattern dots-23) ⠤ (braille pattern dots-36) ⠤ (braille pattern dots-36) ⠤ (braille pattern dots-36) ⠄ (braille pattern dots-3) ⠄ (braille pattern dots-3) ⠄ (braille pattern dots-3)
middot , .  ?  ! '  ; - ...

The middot is used to distinguish double-el l·l, , from the digraph ll, .

⠴ (braille pattern dots-356) ...⠦ (braille pattern dots-236) ⠣ (braille pattern dots-126) ...⠜ (braille pattern dots-345)
" ... "[1] ( ... )


⠼ (braille pattern dots-3456) ⠨ (braille pattern dots-46)
(digit) (caps)

The capital sign needs to be repeated for each letter of an initialism, so ACIC is .

See also

  • Abecedari Braille de 1931, a 1931 alphabet with different letter assignments and punctuation, including dropped digits for ordinal numbers.
  • Alfabet Braille, a chart from the Associació Catalana per a la Integració del Cec with some dubious letter assignments, such as the loss of a distinct acute accent and the use of the colon for ï.


  1. According to Catalan Wikipedia. This is the reverse of what would be expected from international norms.

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